Winning Fathers Winning Families

About Us

Imara Isiseko - About Us

Who we are

  • A world in which every father is a loving, present parent who knows their purpose and is able to provide for and protect their family
  • To break the cycle of fatherlessness by journeying with fathers and young men in order to strengthen family foundations for the next generation.

Isiseko Imara is a blend of both the South African Xhosa word for foundations “isiseko” and the East African Kiswahili word for firm "imara". This unique name not only communicates our desire for building firm family foundations, but also represents the rich diversity of heritage and culture found within South Africa.

Isiseko Imara’s approach is to work alongside both local and foreign national communities in South Africa. Growing xenophobic attitudes and violence stand in the way, but we believe that an inclusive approach will enable communities to work together and learn from each other.

Our aim is to break the cycle of fatherlessness in South Africa by impacting the next generation of young men. Without a restoration of God’s heart and purpose for fatherhood, boys will continue to grow up without father-figures and young men will struggle to live up to their role as fathers. A radical change will require Biblically-sound and culturally sensitive resources, tools, knowledge and supportive relationships that will together enable young men to be active, present fathers who know their purpose and are able to provide for and protect their family.

The historical legacy of apartheid and migrant labour in South Africa had many negative impacts on the traditional family structure, which can still be felt today. A The 2023 South African General Household Survey found that 75 percent of children in KwaZulu-Natal do not reside with their biological fathers and 47 percent of households are female-headed (Stats SA, 2023). While this does not diminish the important role of single moms and kinship networks (such as step-dads, uncles, grandfathers, etc) who are filing the gap, we aim to journey with biological fathers who desire not only to financially support their children but also aspire to actively engage with their children at an emotional and spiritual level. No matter the cultural, socio-economic or relational obstacles, we believe that restoration is possible with God’s direction and the right support.

However, a restoration of God’s heart for fatherhood requires that we tackle difficult issues in South Africa such as gender-based violence and abuse, unemployment, addiction, HIV/AIDS, and traditional practices (such as lobola, or bride price) that hinder fathers from being present dads. In order to support young men in overcoming these challenges, we aim to assist in the following ways:

  • Helping young men find their purpose in Christ:
  • We come alongside coaches and mentors within the communities to teach young men about God’s design for manhood and fatherhood through the Ubabalo whole-life coaching and sports programme, boys to Men (B2M) camps, and ongoing discipleship and mentorship. By helping young men find their purpose and identity in Christ as fathers, we believe we can transform the next generation.

  • Supporting widows and single moms who are raising the next generation:
  • We understand that the cycle of fatherlessness cannot be broken without supporting widows and single moms who are currently filling the gap for absent fathers. Addressing fatherhood is not only forward-looking, but also requires a focus on the present challenges faced by the grandmothers and mothers who are caring for the current generation of fatherless children. Isiseko Imara addresses this issue through our whole-life coaches who regularly connect with the families of participants, particularly female-headed households. The coaches provide valuable feedback, advice and support to caregivers as they navigate raising young men without a father in the home.

  • Supporting existing dads to provide for their families:
  • Isiseko Imara runs a weekly programme called Vulindlela, in which we journey with unemployed men to help them to find their purpose, and also assist them through job readiness and skills training to become providers who are present fathers and protect their families.

  • Strengthening family foundations for the next generation by encouraging fathers to be present parents:
  • In order to break the cycle of fatherlessness and reach dads in the early stages of parenthood, we aim to equip soon-to-be and new dads with practical tools through Boot Camps for New Dads, where they are mentored by other dads. Isiseko Imara also uses the South African Heartlines Fathers Matter programme to facilitate conversations and raise awareness about positive fatherhood among new and experienced dads alike.

  • Educating men and boys to become protectors not abusers:
  • The crisis of gender-based violence begins and ends with men. Isiseko Imara understands that a radical transformation in attitudes and behaviours related to manhood and fatherhood is needed in order to break the cycle of gender-based violence in South Africa. We believe that the best way to bring restoration and healing is through a safe small group setting where men are educated about God’s design for fatherhood and healthy masculinity, held accountable for their behaviour, and equipped with the necessary tools to protect their families.

Talk to us

+27 60 540 6466