Winning Fathers Winning Families

Who is George Mwaura

Isiseko Imara - Who is George Mwaura

Who is George Mwaura

George Mwaura is passionate about young men and has over twenty years of experience working with young people in diverse, impoverished communities in Kenya, South Africa and the United States.

George has an advanced certificate in Non-profit Management from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor’s degree in Theology from the South Africa Theological Seminary. Having grown up in the slum of Mathare in Nairobi, Kenya, George was driven to overcome poverty and empower young people to become self-sufficient and rise out of poverty themselves through education and hard work.

George currently lives in Durban, South Africa with his wife and three children. Since 2013, he worked for CAST as the Sport and Youth Development Head of the Department and then from 2020-2024 as Public Relations and Fundraising Manager. From this platform, he has been involved in establishing programmes that foster resilience in the youth and provide whole-life coaching using sports.

Over the years, George has become invested in the fight against fatherlessness which he believes has contributed largely to the weak family structure and high rate of HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence in KwaZulu-Natal. In 2024, George launched his own organisation called Isiseko Imara with the desire to break the cycle of fatherlessness in South Africa through capacitating and encouraging young men and fathers to strengthen family foundations for the next generation.

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